Monday, 15 December 2014


I can now proudly boast of the confidence with which I articulate issues regarding learning with technology. ( these ideas slip out of my tongue even during meetings at the Ministry!).

 I am already making good strides- I have gained the vocabulary that emanates from learning with technology:Crowd sourcing, curating, tags, bookmarks, etc.this picture represents my envisioning- which I am slowly but surely working towards.

iPad Coding Apps for Students
Each of the participants in his/her own virtual learning space but collaborating, sharing, encouraging one another towards this goal- My professional learning network has expanded beyond the confines of Uganda in to the world of  different sites, blogs and wikis ,groups and 'likes'

with this expanded PLN I am not limited in my  search  for information that I want, in evaluating a site, creating links, saving useful links on Delicious. Most of all - I have developed an information seeking attitude/behaviour - learning re learning and un learning and learning to be innovative.

The group Wiki page is still not collaborative at all! this kills the spirit of  editing or productiveness in order to bring out the best in  content sharing. On the other hand, it is an indicator of the power of collaboration since I am able to use a link to a blog created by members of the research group.

My strength  is in my ability to integrate technology not only in the classroom, but in my daily life.

Sunday, 14 December 2014


This is a model organisation site that promotes my professional development goal and my staff development for it provides a novel approach in  the use of most cost-effective and appropriate
ways to use computers, video, and telecommunications technologies to
advance the Seven Principles of learning with technology.

This is a link to a blog -Video tour of Edutopia -  a portal which  provides very insightful resources  videos, tools , ideas, teacher development,  technology integration,and project based learning - for the teacher in the following learning areas:

Comprehensive Assessment
Integrated Studies
Project based learning
Teacher development materials
Technology integration in Education
Free classroom guides
This is a site for teacher professional Development for innovative teaching
This site provides an extensive list of very high quality reliable and valuable websites  and organize them in such a way that it can be used by 'non tech' teachers  for purposes of enriching the learners' learning environment.

Listed below are some of the links to the various websites on various subjects: - the use of mobile devices -Resources for teaching with ipads.

Tips for technology integration in classroom instruction:

Using images and sounds in projects: and the video:

Teacher resources for lesson planning and instructional strategies

enhancing instructional core content area including reading and writing:
Education technology and Mobile Learning:
This is another teacher - tailored  resource  site providing an A-Z list of e-resources for educational web tools and mobile apps for teachers and educators.

 It also provides resources for learners:Coding apps for learners.
a new collection of powerful ipad coding apps for learners

Sites that support Teacher Professional Development

Static sites:
Can contain text, images, multimedia content and HTML tags hosted on a web server.

Pages may contain animated or interactive media- movie clips, Adobe flash presentations and mictosoft silverlite.

BLOG and Wiki
     Their pages are defined by interactivity

These are dynamic sites which have features that are defined by the interactions of the user.

They draw ever- changing content from external information sources
Their pages can provide create, retrieve, update, delete functions
 More specifically,
1. Are author centered
2. Organised in reverse order most recent posts show on the  entry page
3. Reflect the author's identity in tone look feel and content
4. Used to reflect and review eg learning reflections
1. Are content/document centered
2. Editable website with a complete version history kept
3. Aims to reach a consensus or compromise on the content of  the page
4.used to collaborate and synthesise ie group projects.

These differences are further elaborated in the following 

In conclusion,
  1. A teacher's professional Development is highly dependent on both the static and the dynamic websites depending on his/her purpose although for creating a net work or learning from one another, the dynamic sites are the best why?
  2. 1. The teacher has the ability to pull information from sources external to the website proper.
  3. 2. It allows for editing, adding website pages(content) from within a browser.