Monday 15 December 2014


I can now proudly boast of the confidence with which I articulate issues regarding learning with technology. ( these ideas slip out of my tongue even during meetings at the Ministry!).

 I am already making good strides- I have gained the vocabulary that emanates from learning with technology:Crowd sourcing, curating, tags, bookmarks, etc.this picture represents my envisioning- which I am slowly but surely working towards.

iPad Coding Apps for Students
Each of the participants in his/her own virtual learning space but collaborating, sharing, encouraging one another towards this goal- My professional learning network has expanded beyond the confines of Uganda in to the world of  different sites, blogs and wikis ,groups and 'likes'

with this expanded PLN I am not limited in my  search  for information that I want, in evaluating a site, creating links, saving useful links on Delicious. Most of all - I have developed an information seeking attitude/behaviour - learning re learning and un learning and learning to be innovative.

The group Wiki page is still not collaborative at all! this kills the spirit of  editing or productiveness in order to bring out the best in  content sharing. On the other hand, it is an indicator of the power of collaboration since I am able to use a link to a blog created by members of the research group.

My strength  is in my ability to integrate technology not only in the classroom, but in my daily life.

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