Monday, 9 November 2015


digital citizenship

The copyright team consisted of Nellie Margaret Amina , Semayobe and Samson. We were a formidable team indeed.

Team work helped us create a shared goal, a shared vision and purpose- to find out all there was about copyright. We co-constructed  knowledge around copyright. We are now the experts.

I benefited a lot through this collaborative  group work on line because reading my team mates’ contributions enhanced my skills of critical thinking as I turned over their resources and digested the content.

This team work also gave me increased responsibility for my own learning. I did a lot of research in order to share the most relevant materials in the wiki. My team mates depended on my contribution just as much as I depended on theirs.

The challenges involved included:
  • Time required for effective collaboration -group work required the tem to stick to a particular schedule.
  • Ability (eg owing to time constraints or lack of collaboration skills) or reluctance ( due to the lack of or low participation of other group members) to participate actively in the group work.
  1. Information overload due to having to read through the sources provided critically
This was my first experience with a Wiki space. I learnt new vocabulary:
A wiki has a classroom, the icons are called news feeds and the classroom has pages –

I found the following resources very informative clear and up to date:


·          These resources are good for me as the teacher because it gives me the insight of  what to teach and how to teach
      The Grade V teacher trainees would benefit twofold: They will learn information literacy skills when I ask them to synthesize the information from three or more sites.
      They would also learn how to incorporate digital literacies in their teaching and learning through. Their experience in the classroom.


  1. Hallo Nellie, I am sure it was worthwhile working with such a great team.I also think that the resources we gathered will greatly help us concerning what to teach and how to teach it. Thanks.

  2. Indeed it was a formidable team, i agree with you. It should be exciting to experience wiki spaces. Thanks Nellie.

  3. Thanks Nellie for that uplifting remark, " a formidable team"! You have indeed boosted my self-esteem. I also agree that collaboration is a challenge because the team does not stick to a schedule that would get them to participate at the same time.
