Thursday 12 March 2015


As I muse on my recent up hill task of creating an  infographic, I should mention that it was both a grueling and pleasurable experience.When I completed the exercise I could not believe that I had done it!

 What processes did I follow?
  •      I studied the three main tasks and I planned:
  1. What message?      the points I wanted to make
  2. What content?-       the data that supported the message
  3. what audience?-      the people who are to read the infographic
  4. what goals?-           What I want the audience to do after reading the infographic
  •      I prepared the design
Did I add value to my design?
 I highlighted subject matter that focused attention of the reader.                                                             
 How did I present this design?        
  I presented the meaty interesting data in a clear visually attractive way                                                 
 Did I make it readable?                     
The first slide is a bait to entice and attract the reader

Is it shareable?                                 
  Yes. I created a link to the original 

 Not too long as to bore, not too short as to leave the reader unsatisfied                                                 

 Anything  unique?                             
  I customized my infographic with my picture to make it  sell                                                              
  • My biggest challenge was in the actual crafting the infographic (I chose the power point) slides. God in His wisdom decided to send me a helper - a fellow participant -Geoffrey Kateregga - so unexpectedly. He is an ICT expert. I could not but admire the power of collaboration as we worked together - him providing the technical know how and helping me navigate, I providing the content and guidance on what shape I wanted my infographic to take
  • It was at this point that I started feeling pleasurable-I learnt a lot and I would still want to practice more and more to help me perfect my skill.
My weaknesses:
  1. My infographic lacked a a main title which should have stood out right at the start of the first slide.
  2. I needed to have written my name just below the title and the date when I created the infographic
  3. I needed to have cited some references as an indication that the content is accurate, and also to make my infographic credible.
Below is the link to the infographic.


  1. Great job Nellie, you are such a fighter and I am happy that you collaborated so well with Geoffrey, he is very good and generous too. I am sure you will do the same to the group members who could be struggling with infographics, too. Keep up the good work.

  2. It's an interesting one, thanx for the good work. Unlike you, both me and Margaret couldn't find someone knowledgeable to help. nevertheless, we did our best.

    1. Well done Prossy ! Slow but steady wins the race!

    2. Well done Prossy ! Slow but steady wins the race!

  3. Great work Neille, You are so curious . Thanks a lot.
