Tuesday, 9 June 2015


The ASSURE model is one of the many Instructional Designs models available. Other models include the ARCS Model created by John Keller and the dynamic instructional design model proposed by Lever-Duffy and McDonald, (2008)

 I want to understand what an Instructional Design is.

 What is an instructional design?
 It is a ‘Science’ because it follows a set of theories and methods and is concerned with inputs and outputs of information. It is an ‘art’ because it is related with creativity and shows a designer’s talent and capabilities. (George M. Piskurich 2006).

There are many definitions of what an Instructional Design is:
According to. (Rob Koper 2006). Hashem Fardanesh, (2006) instructional design is the prescribing and forecasting optimal instruction methods for achieving desired changes in knowledge, skills and attitudes of designated students”. In other words, instructional design is a method which the instructor or the designer uses available resources to meet learners demand for knowledge transfer. It is a process of learning which explains lessons, course, learning and support activities in a unit of learning. While (Patricia 2005) puts the instructional design as: a systematic method for conceptualizing, creating, and carrying out instructions”.
According to (Richard Buchanan 2000) a good design can be defined not only to be creative, stylish with extraordinary visual look, but it must consider human engagement in its activities. The designer must appreciate the deep involvement of human characteristics in its design. Instructional designers are convinced that with the help of information technology, they can deliver their message across the classroom loud and clear. They can transfer the power of learning right at the hands of the learners just by the click of a mouse.

What are the characteristics of a good Instructional Design?
According to Luann K. Stempler (1997) a good instructional design should have the following futures:

 Screen design such as color, animations, text and graphics should visually excite the learner and the location of various buttons on the screen for a better navigation.

 Interaction and feedback allows the learner to be active participants throughout the courseware. Meaningful interactivity provides an opportunity for better learning environment. Encouraging feedback is equally important in reinforcing learners of any misconceptions (Robert A. Reiser 2001).

Students should be given more control over the content of the package. The control buttons should be easily understood by the learner. Remember, all students do not have the same learning pattern.  

The use of color, graphics, animations, audio and video are a very effective means of knowledge transfer and these futures must be considered very carefully.

Is it important to have a good Instructional Design?
Yes. It promotes learner motivation to gain knowledge faster, to remember and the same time to continue learning.

What is the ASSURE model of instruction?

The ASSURE model was developed by Heinrich and Molenda in 1999. It is an instructional design guide using constructivist perspective which integrates multimedia and technology to enhance the learning environment (Patrick Lefebvre 2006).
ASSURE is an acronym for the description of six classroom procedures central to the informed selection and use of educational technology. It highlights six classroom procedures: Analyze learners, State objectives, Select methods, media, and materials, Utilize media and materials, Require learner participation, and Evaluate and revise. The ASSURE model incorporates Gagne's events of instruction to ensure effective use of media in instruction.

The first step in the ASSURE model is analysis of learners.

General Characteristics: these include: broad identifying descriptors such as age, grade level, job or position, and cultural or socioeconomic factors

Specific entry competencies refer to knowledge and skills that the learners either possess or lack: prerequisite skills, target skills, and attitudes:
What is the learner's prior knowledge?
Do learners have the entry competencies/vocabulary for this lesson?
Have learners already mastered the skills you are planning to teach?
Do they have biases or misconceptions about the subject?

Learning Styles refers to a cluster of psychological traits that determine how an individual perceives, interacts with, and responds emotionally to learning environments. In analyzing the learning styles it is important to:
Determine individual learning style preferences.
Determine the information processing habits of the learners.
Examine how individuals tend to approach the cognitive processing of information.
Determine the motivational and physiological factors of the learners (anxiety, achievement motivation, social motivation, cautiousness, and competitiveness).

What is the value of analyzing my learners?
In order to select the "best" medium to meet the lesson objectives.

It is critical for making decisions about the most appropriate content, methods, media and materials needed to match the learner characteristics.

To enable the teacher arrange a better environment to increase the probability of individual student learning. According to Dick and Carey, "They will help the designer develop a motivational strategy for the instruction and will suggest various types of examples that can be used to illustrate points, ways in which the instruction may (or may not) be delivered, and ways to make the practice of skills relevant for learners.

 The ASSURE model  forces teachers  to think carefully how to design a striking and useful multimedia courseware that takes advantages of current state of the art technology without compromising learner’s needs, motivation and critical thinking skills in the process. The multimedia courseware needs to be interactive, motivating and above all relevant with plenty of action oriented presentations (Luann K. Stempler 1997).


  1. Nelly. This is a well constructed piece of work. I liked the way you have introduced this the concept of instructional design and ended into ASSURE model.

  2. Nelly. This is a well constructed piece of work. I liked the way you have introduced this the concept of instructional design and ended into ASSURE model.

    1. True Twaha. She did a magnificent job.

    2. True Twaha. She did a magnificent job.

  3. Nellie , this is great work indeed. thanks for your hard work. there is a lot to learn in this post.

  4. Great job Nellie. You have decided to dig deeper into other instructional design models to have an insight of the subject and thank you for sharing with the group. Keep up the good Nellie.

  5. Thank you Twaha Julius and Senzo.

  6. Thank you Twaha Julius and Senzo.

  7. Thank you Twaha Julius and Senzo.

  8. Thanks Nellie, that is a great post and very educative.
